
Valerian Nature’s Sedative

Valeriana officinalis

Active Ingredients

Some of which include: Valerenic acid, valerenone, valepotriates

Valepotriates have been shown to have anti-tumour and cytotoxic activity in in vitro systems.


Natural Crude Extracts:

·         Valerian is a sedative and relaxant by reducing nervous activity by prolonging the action of an inhibitory neurotransmitter

·         It is an antispasmodic and acts on muscle tissue to reduce over-contraction.

·         Vasodilator which in turn modifies blood pressure.

·         Valerian is a sedative and relaxant and helps normalise sleep patterns

·         Reduces the time taken to fall asleep, particularly older people and does not cause somnolence in the morning or affect dream recall

·         Valerian is widely used in Europe for insomnia, excitability and nervousness.


·         May be used for times of  insomnia

·         May relieve symptoms of pre-menstrual tension.

·         During times of mental over-excitability and those that find it difficult to switch off.

·         Relaxes over-contracted muscles.

·         Helpful for shoulder and neck tension or any stress related condition. May relieve tension headaches.

·          May be helpful in reducing blood pressure but should not be used in conjunction with any other medication.


·         May be used during times when your pet is exposed to a new and stressful event ie first time showing, when travelling etc.

·         May be useful after a long and strenuous work out.

·         Anti-spasmodic action may make it helpful for mild cases of epilepsy.

·         May be used during times when the horse is exposed to a new and stressful event ie first time showing, first few races, when travelling etc.

·         Horses that habitually tense muscles during a training session.

·         Relaxes over contracted muscles.

·         Anti-spasmodic action may make it helpful for mild cases of colic and the secondary effects of tying up.

·         Low grade laminitis causes constricted vessels and pain. Valerian acts as a vasodilator which may relieve some of the pain.











Disclaimer: Information in this article is not to be used in place of professional medical advice and expertise. For diagnosis and treatment always see your health professional. We recommend that either a qualified herbalist or your animal professional carry out diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Herbal remedies must not be given not be taken in conjunction with other medication with out consulting a medical professional.


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